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[Conquest] The IVe Corps Conquest/Siege Event || 19:30 pm GMT || 1st Edition

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[Conquest] The IVe Corps Conquest/Siege Event || 19:30 pm GMT || 1st Edition Empty [Conquest] The IVe Corps Conquest/Siege Event || 19:30 pm GMT || 1st Edition

Message  Kahlan Amnell Dim 18 Mar - 21:44

IVe Corps - Regular Event

[Conquest] The IVe Corps Conquest/Siege Event || 19:30 pm GMT || 1st Edition 15557356

IVe Corps d'Armée Français will organize an event (conquest or siege)
that we think, we'll be able to hold regular every week.
We'll invite various regiments, but only chosen by us.

Friday 23rd March, Conquest Linebattle, 19:30 pm (GMT,London Time) | 20:30pm (GMT+1, Paris Time)

Invited Regiments [COMPLETE]:

-45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (about 25ppl) - Line Infantry
-5e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde (about 15ppl) - Skirmishers
-7e Régiment de Hussards (about 15ppl) - Light Cavalry
-9e Régiment d'Artillerie (about 5ppl) - Artillery
-34th Light Dragoons (about 10ppl) - Cavalry
-5th Brigade 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (about 20ppl) - Foot Guards
-5th Brigade Royal Artillery (about 5ppl) - Artillery
-15e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère (about 15ppl) - Skirmishers
- 150esimo Bersaglieri Garibaldi (about 20ppl) - Line Infantry

The server will be : IVe_Corps_Event (250 slots, hosted in France)

The password will be given 10 minutes before the event begins.

Map : Redoubts

Respawn Time : about 90 sec

Rules :

- 20ppl in skirmishers maximum.
- 20ppl in cavalry maximum.
- 30pp in line infantry maximum.
- 2 canon's batteries per team.
- No horseback shooting.
- Do not aim at officers except during charges.
- Do not random and No ramboing.
- Cavalry can not capture flags even dismounted.
- Respawn Points can be captured.
- No Respawn at the centre Respawn Point with the house.
- 5 players needed to move out of the Respawn Point.
- The artillery can not aim at the main enemy Respawn Point.

You can find us at the 22nd Battalion's TS :

Join the STEAM group to contact us : http://steamcommunity.com/groups//IVe_Event

If you wish to participate to this event please add Kahlan Amnell or an other IVe Officer from the Steam Group or join our forum!

After the Conquest/Siege, we do a small Linebattle with the motivated regiments if the Conquest/Siege was short.
Kahlan Amnell
Kahlan Amnell

Messages : 2108
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2011
Age : 30
Localisation : Lyon


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